Collector configuration best practices

When configuring the OpenTelemetry (OTel) Collector, consider these best practices to better secure your Collector instance.

Create secure configurations

Follow these guidelines to secure your Collector’s configuration and its pipelines.

Store your configuration securely

The Collector’s configuration might contain sensitive information including:

  • Authentication information such as API tokens.
  • TLS certificates including private keys.

You should store sensitive information securely such as on an encrypted filesystem or secret store. You can use environment variables to handle sensitive and non-sensitive data as the Collector supports environment variable expansion.

Use encryption and authentication

Your OTel Collector configuration should include encryption and authentication.

Minimize the number of components

We recommend limiting the set of components in your Collector configuration to only those you need. Minimizing the number of components you use minimizes the attack surface exposed.

Configure with care

Some components can increase the security risk of your Collector pipelines.

  • Receivers, exporters, and other components should establish network connections over a secure channel, potentially authenticated as well.
  • Receivers and exporters might expose buffer, queue, payload, and worker settings using configuration parameters. If these settings are available, you should proceed with caution before modifying the default configuration values. Improperly setting these values might expose the OpenTelemetry Collector to additional attack vectors.

Set permissions carefully

Avoid running the Collector as a root user. Some components might require special permissions, however. In those cases, follow the principle of least privilege and make sure your components only have the access they need to do their job.


Observers are implemented as extensions. Extensions are a type of component that adds capabilities on top of the primary functions of the Collector. Extensions don’t require direct access to telemetry and aren’t part of pipelines, but they can still pose security risks if they require special permissions.

An observer discovers networked endpoints such as a Kubernetes pod, Docker container, or local listening port on behalf of the receiver creator. In order to discover services, observers might require greater access. For example, the k8s_observer requires role-based access control (RBAC) permissions in Kubernetes.

Manage specific security risks

Configure your Collector to block these security threats.

Protect against denial of service attacks

For server-like receivers and extensions, you can protect your Collector from exposure to the public internet or to wider networks than necessary by binding these components’ endpoints to addresses that limit connections to authorized users. Try to always use specific interfaces, such as a pod’s IP, or localhost instead of For more information, see CWE-1327: Binding to an Unrestricted IP Address.

From Collector v0.110.0, the default host for all servers in Collector components is localhost. For earlier versions of the Collector, change the default endpoint from to localhost in all components by enabling the component.UseLocalHostAsDefaultHost feature gate.

If localhost resolves to a different IP due to your DNS settings, then explicitly use the loopback IP instead: for IPv4 or ::1 for IPv6. For example, here’s an IPv4 configuration using a gRPC port:

receivers: otlp: protocols: grpc: endpoint:

In IPv6 setups, make sure your system supports both IPv4 and IPv6 loopback addresses so the network functions properly in dual-stack environments and applications, where both protocol versions are used.

If you are working in environments that have nonstandard networking setups, such as Docker or Kubernetes, localhost might not work as expected. The following examples show setups for the OTLP receiver gRPC endpoint. Other Collector components might need similar configuration.


You can run the Collector in Docker by binding to the correct address. Here is a config.yaml configuration file for an OTLP exporter in Docker:

receivers: otlp: protocols: grpc: endpoint: my-hostname:4317 # Use the same hostname from your docker run command

In your docker run command, use the --hostname argument to bind the Collector to the my-hostname address. You can access the Collector from outside that Docker network (for example, on a regular program running on the host) by connecting to Here is an example docker run command:

docker run --hostname my-hostname --name container-name -p otel/opentelemetry-collector:0.118.0

Docker Compose

Similarly to plain Docker, you can run the Collector in Docker by binding to the correct address.

The Docker compose.yaml file:

services: otel-collector: image: otel/opentelemetry-collector-contrib:0.118.0 ports: - '4567:4317'

The Collector config.yaml file:

receivers: otlp: protocols: grpc: endpoint: otel-collector:4317 # Use the service name from your Docker compose file

You can connect to this Collector from another Docker container running in the same network by connecting to otel-collector:4317. You can access the Collector from outside that Docker network (for example, on a regular program running on the host) by connecting to


If you run the Collector as a DaemonSet, you can use a configuration like the following:

apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: DaemonSet metadata: name: collector spec: selector: matchLabels: name: collector template: metadata: labels: name: collector spec: containers: - name: collector image: otel/opentelemetry-collector:0.118.0 ports: - containerPort: 4317 hostPort: 4317 protocol: TCP name: otlp-grpc - containerPort: 4318 hostPort: 4318 protocol: TCP name: otlp-http env: - name: MY_POD_IP valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: status.podIP

In this example, you use the Kubernetes Downward API to get your own Pod IP, then bind to that network interface. Then, we use the hostPort option to ensure that the Collector is exposed on the host. The Collector’s config should look like this:

receivers: otlp: protocols: grpc: endpoint: ${env:MY_POD_IP}:4317 http: endpoint: ${env:MY_POD_IP}:4318

You can send OTLP data to this Collector from any Pod on the Node by accessing ${MY_HOST_IP}:4317 to send OTLP over gRPC and ${MY_HOST_IP}:4318 to send OTLP over HTTP, where MY_HOST_IP is the Node’s IP address. You can get this IP from the Downward API:

env: - name: MY_HOST_IP valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: status.hostIP

Scrub sensitive data

Processors are the Collector components that sit between receivers and exporters. They are responsible for processing telemetry before it’s analyzed. You can use the OpenTelemetry Collector’s redaction processor to obfuscate or scrub sensitive data before exporting it to a backend.

The redaction processor deletes span, log, and metric datapoint attributes that don’t match a list of allowed attributes. It also masks attribute values that match a blocked value list. Attributes that aren’t on the allowed list are removed before any value checks are done.

For example, here is a configuration that masks values containing credit card numbers:

processors: redaction: allow_all_keys: false allowed_keys: - description - group - id - name ignored_keys: - safe_attribute blocked_values: # Regular expressions for blocking values of allowed span attributes - '4[0-9]{12}(?:[0-9]{3})?' # Visa credit card number - '(5[1-5][0-9]{14})' # MasterCard number summary: debug

See the documentation to learn how to add the redaction processor to your Collector configuration.

Safeguard resource utilization

After implementing safeguards for resource utilization in your hosting infrastructure, consider also adding these safeguards to your OpenTelemetry Collector configuration.

Batching your telemetry and limiting the memory available to your Collector can prevent out-of-memory errors and usage spikes. You can also handle traffic spikes by adjusting queue sizes to manage memory usage while avoiding data loss. For example, use the exporterhelper to manage queue size for your otlp exporter:

exporters: otlp: endpoint: <ENDPOINT> sending_queue: queue_size: 800

Filtering unwanted telemetry is another way you can protect your Collector’s resources. Not only does filtering protect your Collector instance, but it also reduces the load on your backend. You can use the filter processor to drop logs, metrics, and spans you don’t need. For example, here’s a configuration that drops non-HTTP spans:

processors: filter: error_mode: ignore traces: span: - attributes["http.request.method"] == nil

You can also configure your components with appropriate timeout and retry limits. These limits should allow your Collector to handle failures without accumulating too much data in memory. See the exporterhelper documentation for more information.

Finally, consider using compression with your exporters to reduce the send size of your data and conserve network and CPU resources. By default, the otlp exporter uses gzip compression.