OpenTelemetry Concepts

Key concepts in OpenTelemetry

This section covers data sources and key components of the OpenTelemetry project, which can help you understand how OpenTelemetry works.

Introduction à l'observabilité

Concepts fondamentaux de l’observabilité

Propagation du contexte

Présentation du concept permettant le traçage distribué.

Les signaux

Catégories de télémétrie supportées par OpenTelemetry


How OpenTelemetry facilitates instrumentation


The main components that make up OpenTelemetry

Semantic Conventions

Common names for different kinds of operations and data.


Instrumentation scope


Learn about sampling and the different sampling options available in OpenTelemetry.


A distribution, not to be confused with a fork, is customized version of an OpenTelemetry component.


Definitions and conventions for telemetry terms as used in OpenTelemetry.

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